Saturday, June 5, 2021

Half of 2021

It's been half a year passed. Time doesn't feel like it flows but they never wait. I don't feel like I live fiercely this year. I feel like I should since it is my last year as a 20-something. Next year I am entering the 30 series. You know how I always have Peter Pan Syndrome?? It scares me that I am getting old because inside I am still the young girl but my outside shell aged, I've got wrinkles, belly fat and sometimes I've high blood pressure.

The pandemic still happening and I couldn't do anything about it. I just lay low and do my things quietly. Sometimes I crave for the adventures. I wanna go travel, I want to go to class to learn something, I want to meet people but I can't, so it is very frustrating.

Anyhow, reflecting back for the past 6 months, I did crossed a lot of my 2021 wishes. Some of the wishes are the life-long goals so there is no time-limits for that. 

Firstly, as for my financial, I don't have money problem. I did apply a credit card this year but I managing my credits very well. I do have budget plan for everything and I have some savings, so I think I am good.

Removing toxicity, yeah I do that. As matter of fact, I don't bother much with toxicity.  I do what makes me happy and so far I don't have any nervous breakdown and depressed episodes in my life. So far so good.

I am reading books currently. I recently finished Rich People Problem, Convenience Store Woman, Before the Coffee Gets Cold, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage, Kim Jiyoung: Born 1982 & Almond. Quite a lot. I've got few more new books to be read. 

I think I am balancing my work-life balance really well. When I am at work, I do my work well and when I go home I do fangirling very hard. But I feel unfair if people at my workplace judged me for being a fangirl because I never let my fangirl life interferes with my work. 

And lastly and this is the most recently happened, I got a job offer! And whatsmore a permanent post. In a hospital!  I am delighted! I attended the interview in April and it was an online interview. I did think I messed up the interview because there's some questions I couldn't answered and I remembered I cried to myself after that because I was so disappointed in me. But they called me last Thursday to inform that I got the job! What a suprise. So for now I am preparing for my 30days notice resignation. I really wish this is the good path for me. 

Cheers to the future me. Hopefully you wont be reciting The Road Not Taken in near future. Go girl.


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